Sunday, October 12, 2008

things i learned ...

[from shara]
it's ok to wander around bklyn at nighttime and talk to all the strangers we see and take our picture with them.
it's more than ok to nick a glass on your birthday.
leffe is good. i don't hate all beer.
red bowl is the bomb . com for a saturday night.
it's always sunny in philadelphia.
my boyfriend is one of the last nice guys.
how to really capture life by photo.

[from bklyn and manhattan / lately]
always carry bandaids and talcum powder if you're going to walk around and get lost.
your feet ... they are not used to this.
it's hard to have bad food here.
it's hard to find a good apartment.
you should keep the faith. faith comes through.

[from rob haining]
there are some people in life who are so beyond kind and giving that they sometimes leave you at a loss for words and usually leave you at a total loss of how to respond other than to thank them profusely.
rob is an ever-lasting kind of rad.

[from db2]
always call continental when they say you can't check in online.
do not ride the bus to jfk. it is scary.
go to drum n bass shows. even if you don't think your feet feel like it.
somebody always loves me. for me.

[from basil]
even with a deformity, you can be the most handsomest thing ever.

[from bee]
shake your toys. hard. people will get out of the way.

[from wnyc]
find someone on the inside when looking for a new job. always. somehow.
be persistent.

from [mtv/nickelodeon/viacom]
be persistenter.
always know that nothing is for sure. but keep the faith.

1 comment:

sharavodka said...

lmao @ your comment about bee.

Tho, would like to note that it was not at all funny when she slapped you in the face. Am very sorry and thoroughly embarrassed!