Monday, January 26, 2009

62,000 jobs cut today

according to the NY Times, 62,000 jobs were cut today. every time i hear someone mention layoffs in my office my heart skips a beat. that number is incredible for just one day.

in other news ... i'm working with a bunch of other techy kids in nyc on a charity event called NYC twestival for charity: water. very excited for the skills that i can offer to them, but even more excited about the things i can learn from this group of people. the people who are involved are really, really an incredible group. they've achieved things that i hope to achieve during my time here in nyc. we're just about to announce the venue and put tickets up for sale! so keep your eye peeled.

oh, and you should all be following me on twitter, obviously.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

i have very funny ex boyfriends

ok so only one of my exboyfriends is really, really hilariously funny. okay maybe 2 of them.

but this one has a blog.

i don't understand the title yet, but i think by reading i might.

this friend i used to know

there is this friend that i used to know, that i used to absolutely adore. in fact, i still absolutely adore him, but i knew he was always looking for something different. not something new, but something very basic, in fact. and he found that when he moved to brazil. i haven't seen him in over a year, but i just saw a photo of him today labeled "happier than a pig in shit." i could not be happier to see him that happy.

it makes me think about all of the friends that i've ever had, and how the ones i were closest with are now almost all the farthest away. not necessarily the farthest physically, although that is true of a great number of them, but the ones that were the most special to me i haven't spoken with in the longest time.

then again i think about all of the friends that i have now, the ones that i still talk to regularly and are still a part of my life, and so many of them are so special to me, too. they've all given me different things and give me different things.

there's the party girl who i love to death because she's not scared of anything - except commitment.

there's the married one with the amazing kid who has been such an incredible role model and mentor for me.

there's the other party girl who was always scared of commitment, but is suddenly getting married.

there's all the dancers that have been in my life, and there's one special one that still doesn't know exactly where he's going.

all of the great loves in my life, i want nothing for them but happiness. and i've learned over the years that the more you give thanks for having these special people in your life, the more amazing things happen to them and to you.

so this post is in dedication to all of the friends i used to know, i know now, and i will know in the future. i wish happiness for you, i am so thankful that you are in my life - this year and every year. i am happy for you when you move on, and i am thankful for having the pleasure of seeing you happy even though you and our relationship may be long ago and far away.

fly on and say thank you.